KHAS Art, Design and Architecture Talks – Gürbey Hiz and Mehmet Ekinci
Zoom + Youtube
KHAS Art, Design and Architecture Talks host Dr. Gürbey Hiz and Mehmet Ekinci on Wednesday, May 18 at 8 pm. The base of this talk will be the PhD dissertation titled “Narrativizing Social Space in Servet-i Fünûn: An Atlas of Imaginations, Constructions and Experiences (1891-1910)“, which was completed in 2020 by Gürbey Hiz.
Examining what kind of technology narratives Servet-i Fünûn produced, Dr. Hiz will share his current academic studies with the participants, accompanied by questions from Mehmet Ekinci, who works in science and technology studies.
Zoom Meeting ID: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86488239785
Youtube: https://youtu.be/Th4ZhLomxEo
The event will be in Turkish. It can be followed on Zoom and will be broadcast live on KHAS channel.